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Sign up to get essential weekly alerts from us via the Remind app

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Sign Up for Remind Alerts

Remind is a free, safe messaging app that keeps families up to date with what’s happening in the classroom and school. Our weekly Bulldog Blast is sent out via Remind, along with other timely announcements throughout each week.

Please sign up for our Remind notifications to stay on top of important updates from teachers and receive schoolwide updates in real time.

Create a Remind account to receive Northwood's schoolwide alerts!

  1. Go to (or download the free iOS or Android app)
  2. Click Sign Up
  3. Provide a full name, email address, and password
  4. Choose your role
  5. Follow the instructions to start using Remind

To sign up and receive alerts via text message, text @nacsnews to the number 81010 and select the appropriate role.

Note: Each teacher has a different class code for their individual classes. Please contact your child's teacher to receive this information.

****  If you have followed the above instructions and are still having difficulties or not receiving NACS information please reach out to the Remind Help Desk for further assistance   ****

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