Advocacy & Action

Save Charter Schools in Philadelphia

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Every day, families are choosing a public charter school for a better education and a better future for their children. Certain special interest groups are trying to rob PA families of their rights. Let’s rise up together and stop them. We are here today to ask for your continued support of school choice which empowers Northwood Academy students and families. 

Make your voice heard! Tom Wolf and anti-charter activists want to stop families from sending their children to public charter schools. The governor has called for $229 million in funding cuts for charter schools, including slashing $99 million for charter school students in need of special education services.

Tell your state lawmakers to oppose Gov. Wolf’s attacks on charter families. With just a few clicks, you can send an email, post a tweet or call your lawmakers, asking them to support public charter schools.

Learn more about Governor Wolf's Proposal

If at any time you have any questions about current issues for charter schools or how to navigate outreach with a legislator, please feel free to reach out to